Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Beginning Ideas

When our group first convened we began to look at the various designs we saw at Canstruction 2009 and listing what we wanted to accomplish.

Our goals:
represent UTSA in some way ( orange & blue cans?)
create a catchy theme that would show our creativity
make a design that is not structurally impossible
maybe represent San Antonio

We kept simple goals and had broad ideas. Some of our ideas were:
  • bridge spanning into San Antonio (create a skyline of SA) from UTSA.
  • create a globe showing a expanded view of San Antonio, and UTSA
  • have rowdy kicking a football with a field goal ( UTSA kickin hunger to a goal)
  • have a football helmet bashing against a can labeled "Hunger"
The one we decided to explore more was "UTSA sinks Hunger"
We would have an iceberg (blue cans) labeled with UTSA (orange cans) and have a ship (hunger) in the process of sinking. We created three different variations and assigned teams to handle each variation.

First variation:
Titanic ( red, white, black, and yellow cans) is about to crash into the iceberg: represented by UTSA( blue cans & orange writing).

Second Variation:
Titanic( red, white, black, and yellow cans) is broken in half, maybe at the bottom of the sea or at the surface and breaking in half. If its at the surface there would be an iceberg in the middle with UTSA writing( blue cans & orange cans). If its at the bottom of the sea the bottom of the iceberg could be used or have a large rock with UTSA writing.

Third Variation:
Titanic (red, white, black, and yellow cans) is in the classic pose of one side sinking with the iceberg beside it. Again the iceberg will have UTSA on it. Still thinking about how to show the sea. Saw a previous one that had a fish and the sea was water bottles & frosted flakes (see right picture).

Our Goals for Next Meeting:
  • Develop the three variations ( sinking- Sam Singel, In Half- Audra, Crashing into Iceberg- Albert
  • explore other ideas- Stephanie, Harrison
  • Look at basic can sizes and support materials- John Michael, Harrison
  • Determine a set meeting time for Spring Semester
Thats all for now

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