Monday, March 29, 2010

3/28 Meeting- working on Can Opener Idea

Hey Everyone,

We met at chili's too on UTSA's Main Campus to discuss the advancement of the goals assigned at the previous meeting.

Our goals were:

1) create a rhino model of the structure

2) develop a map of San Antonio to label were we will get the cans

3) work on the fundraising letter

4) talk about the blog( this) and about comments

Audra, Albert & Samantha worked on the Rhino Model. Our idea has progressed from our three generic variatios of a Can opener to having the Can Opener roping a can. It would have a more texas theme with roping the can and squeezing it- causing it to spill out cans.

We began to dicuss color schemes in more depth and decided

can opener- white

muscles- bags or small cans

can opener would have a belt- brown/black

belt buckle- UTSA orange or blue

can being caught- design- use a combination or red, yellow, and green cans

ground- random cans from second canned food drive & maybe brown/black bags of beans

For Food we want to do a Texas meal. The various food items that we want to use are:






Fritos/tortito bags

rotel salsa

jerky for the rope

tamato sauce

Iced tea

green beans


cornbred mixture

This gives a more narrow view of cans that we will ask for. We are also looking to into finding a common can size as well. Our estimates are around 3000 cans for the Can Opener (7 ft. high), and 500 cans for the big can (5.5ft high).

For structure of the design we are more looking into using possibly 3/8in. cardboard. For this we are looking into talking to Mission City. Our alternative is going to Alamo hardwoods about using plywood.

Next Stephanie found a good map of San Antonio and put it into a 2' by2' size so we can later use it for placing where we get the cans. Our idea behind the map is to show how the community of San Antonio is interconnected to itself and UTSA.

Finally we looked over the letter I made for fundraising- some grammatical errors, but we need to add pics and have a good ending

Now Me and Stephanie are off to Walmart for can research

1 comment:

  1. Know its a long shot, but i hope we get that Spurs sponsorship!
